No more BA salads…please

I took a fair number of Club Europe flights with BA last weekend, and discovered the wide range of salads that BA serve on their intra-Europe flights. BA flights rarely have hot food these days and so you are usually presented with a salad at meal times, of varying size and content. Examples from last weekend:

From Gatwick to Jersey – about a 60 minute flight. A huge chicken breast with mustard, cold chunky potato salad with mustard and so lettuce:

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Actually a bit bland but with a large amount of protein – so flavour was a 3/5 and content was a 5/5.
The bread was nicer than normal BA rolls.

From Heathrow to Geneva – about a 75 minute flight. About 6 large shrimp but the salad dressing was frozen so would not pour. Tomatoes, potatoes and hard boiled eggs livened it up a bit.

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Not bad so 3/5 on flavour but only 4/5 on content.
Standard BA Heathrow bread rolls which are dull.

Jersey to Gatwick – afternoon tea snuck in due to the time of date. Three small finger sandwiches, and a pink coconut cake was augmented by a scone with jam and clotted cream.

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Taste was poor 2/5 as was quantity/content scoring only 2/5.

Gatwick to Jersey – a change of departure time for this flight changed the meal trigged for the segment. A tasty Salmon salad was provided but the rolls missed me so I cannot comment about the breads.

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Taste was excellent 5/5 and quality/content also scored a 5/5 as this was the best option.

From Geneva to Gatwick, the flight with 8 passengers that I wrote about this week I had a choice! Hence I am not sure whether this cheese and cold meat plate was the correct option for the segment, or from the one before. The yoghurt and cereal was from the previous flight.

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I hope you enjoyed the wide range of salads that BA serve. They are typically fine, but as you can tell very variable in both content and taste.


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