Retail award schemes – part 1 – McVities VIP Club

a blue and yellow logo

This scheme rewards the eaters of McVities biscuits – and let’s be honest they are often nicer than the ones you get on a plane.

Each pack of biscuits (Digestives, Jaffa Cakes, HobNobs, Boasters, Rich Tea….etc), has a points value – these can be found here.

a group of packages of tea

You join up at the web site and then enter each product code until you earn enough for an award.

The award table is constructed to let you get something from the very first pack or to save up for aspirational awards, such as iPod Nano which comes in at 1,000 points – or about 200 packs of biscuits. At the lower end, 5 points easily earned from a single pack of Chocolate Digestives (dark are my favourite), earns 50 songs from EMUSIC with a 2 week free trial. My favourite is 70 points for a £5 Amazon voucher, although these are often sold out. (TIP: Redeem at the start of the week, they seem to reload them then).

Overview – Good if you are biscuit eater or can scrounge the wrappers from your colleagues or employer.

a package of crackers