Starting next Wednesday I am doing a mammoth trip, London to Miami, then Shanghai, back to Miami and then Shanghai, Seoul and London.
I have been to each of the airports before but any suggestions about how to enjoy myself on the trip would be appreciated.
I’ll post trip reports on the road, and of course, hotel reports once I get home.
You’ve beaten my 28,045 miles in one trip, so I commend you!
Airports these days tend to be soul destroying places. Lounges like Virgin’s LHR lounge and it’s revivials lounge tend to make the experience a bit better
It really depends on how long you hav at each airport…. The only airport that has something worth while is IAD with the Fantastic Hazy-udon (or whatever it’s called) Smithsonian Musuem of Air and Space
I stayed at the airport in Shaghai once… A marriott or something. They had Kareoke… IN THE HOTEL FOYER!
Going alone or with someone?
Drink water.
I did 37K miles in 5 days and water helps.
I hope you will be enjoying 1st class.
A mix, BA First, United Business and First and possibly LH First on the way home. We shall see – weather permitting of course
@Woggledog / Kris – Thank You!