UK Tax Man studies increased Passenger Taxes for Heathrow and Gatwick

One of the UK papers is reporting that our Tax Man, HM Revenue and Customs, is looking at whether some sort of congestion charging for Heathrow and Gatwick might help with their capacity problems by driving passengers to Luton or Stansted, or even Birmingham airports.

The paper suggests that HMRC is thinking of increasing the already huge UK departure tax by 50% if you use Heathrow or Gatwick to travel.

The study shows that up to 4 million passengers could be diverted away from Heathrow and a further 2 million from Gatwick.

The report goes on to indicate that Heathrow is already full, and that Gatwick will be full by 2019 and City Airport by 2021.

It seems madness to me, but then I support the third runway at Heathrow.


  1. Yet another reason to avoid London Airways and transfer at ABL (anywhere but London) πŸ™‚

  2. No actually the high taxes flying into or transiting via LHR is what’s kept me out in the first place!

  3. This is truly insane! LHR/LGW passengers will certainly be diverted — to hubs in other regions, like the Middle East.

  4. This could be good news for me living near MAN and LPL as it might give us living up borth access to more direct flights, however if I am flying to the US, I tend to try changing at AMS or another European hub anyway.

  5. Who comes up with these things! Seriously?

    Might be the straw that breaks this camel’s back. There has just been too many “straws” lately.

    Relocate to Singapore methinks…

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